Hookups with fuck friends are not for everyone. There are some rules you can follow to increase the quality and quantity of your hookups. These Do’s and Don’ts will help you improve your hookup game. Don’t take our word for this. These are the top dating deal-breakers, according to a large study by US and Australian universities.
Casual hookup tips
Avoid bad hygiene! Bad hygiene is a common turnoff. One doesn’t want to be fucked by someone who is soiled. It won’t be covered by a million dollars worth of cologne. People won’t wait to meet someone with bad hygiene, let alone get in on the act.
Get a shower! Bad hygiene can make someone turn off. However, it’s possible to put your fuckbuddy in a bad mood by making them smell clean and fresh. For fucks sake, wash your hands with soap and water. You can also add a little lotion to your heels.
Don’t: Be a dick! Don’t use it, don’t be one. Rudeness can make you unattractive. Rude comments have led to many snubs. FFB users use the app to have fun. You don’t have to ruin it. Instead, write it down in your journal.
Do: Keep it polite! Good manners are appreciated, unless otherwise communicated. The concept is simple: first act in a way that makes your mom proud and then act in a way that will make your new fuck friend very disappointed. Respecting and being aware of boundaries is a big step in the right direction.
Don’t: Get attached! A local meet and greet is a great way to have amazing sex with no commitment. It is not a good idea to try to get intimate. An escort would cost money if someone was willing to pay. Someone would use tinder to find a partner. Everybody on Free Fuckbook wants to meet a fuck friend.
Feel free to express your feelings! Do not panic if you feel some emotions for your fuck friend creeping in. However, you should address them. Talk to your friend or therapist. Do not tell your fuckbuddy. Fuckbook hookups are sacred. Respect it.
Do not: Be awkward/weird Adult living is already awkward enough. Be normal. Acting out and making things uncomfortable is the worst thing for your mood. Remember that we are all here to have some amazing, free fuck.
Communicate Do. Discuss what you love and what you desire. Ask your casual sex partner the same. This will allow everyone time to have fun and relax.
There are many more things you should do and not do, but this foundation is great. Although these may seem common sense to many people, they are not for everyone. The fuckbook world would be much more successful if everyone could apply these do’s & don’ts. Get out there and have fun tonight.