Casual sex should be enjoyable. It’s great fun to have new friends in the bedroom. Experimenting with different positions is a great way to do it. You can impress your sex date with your knowledge and explore new places. Enjoying new roles actually makes you more happy! Sounds exciting? It sounds exciting?
1. Corkscrew
Place your legs on the bed edge and press your thighs against the partner. Your hips or arms should rest on your hips. You can let him cross you from the front or back. To have a better experience with thrusting, keep your legs together. You can also push back by moving your hips with the rhythm. He will be shocked!
2. Face-Off
Let’s get romantic! Place your partner on a chair. Now, place your partner on his lap. You can adjust the angle and depth of your sex session by this method. You can change your seat position to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable sex session. You want to make it even hotter? You can make it even more hot by using a lip lock when you are sitting in this position.
3. Doggy Style
Do not forget to try the classics. Place your partner upside down, and ask him to kneel in front of you. Your upper bodies should be at a 90 degree angle to one another. However, you may be able to drape. Here’s a tip. Use two fingers to stimulate your clit, or ask your friend to do it! We know it’s more thrilling!
This position allows for deep penetration and stimulates the G Spot! It’s still the classic!
4. Pretzel Dip
Now, lie on your backs and say left. Now, let your partner lay behind you and straddle as you thrust. This is really a sideways doggy style. For better penetration, you can let him grind or rub your clit. This position can prove to be difficult for first-timers. If you are not sure if the two of you will get along, it is better to avoid trying. It can be embarrassing and messy to do the first time so make sure you only do it once.
5. Flatiron
Laying on your back, keep your face down. Lift your hips slightly, and keep your legs straight. His penis will reach directly. It will feel like it is already there.
6. G-Whiz
Place your hands on his shoulders and lie on your back. This will help narrow your vagina and make it easier for him to reach the G spot. You can move in a steady rhythm, either up or down.
7. Cowgirl’s Guide
Do you like the cowgirl look? It’s very similar. Now, kneel on the top of your partner and push against their chest. Now slide your thighs up and down. Your partner can help you move your thighs by supporting you. This position puts less pressure on your legs, making the whole activity easier. To stimulate multiple parts of your vagina, you can go deep or shallow.
Do you know that male dominating positions can delay the climax of females? You need more reasons to consider this position? You can find a partner through a 100% free dating site. Get started right away!
8. LeapFrog
Another variation of the doggy pose is this. Now, you will need to sit on your knees with your hands and raise your hips. Place your head and arms on the bed. This position allows for deep penetration and gives you a better chance of resting on the pillow. After all the hard work, we know how comforting it is! Do not let your fingers relax!
9. Deliver and Stand
Both of you must stand in this position. The support you may use is a table or the edge of a bed. Keep the support at your waist and let your partner enter from behind. This position tightens your vaginal wall and increases the friction intensity. You can make this pose even more hot! You can make the pose even more hot by teasing your partner or by letting them tie your hands behind your back with a scarf. If you’re into BDSM, handcuffs are an option!
10. Magic Mountain
Your partner should sit straight with his legs bent. Your partner will sit with bent legs. He will sit the same way as you and touch his penis. You can increase stimulation by rubbing your clit on his pelvis. Want to be even more adventurous? You want to be more experimental? It stimulates stimulation.
What is the most important thing in casual sex? Mutual communication. It’s not just about you but also your partner. Don’t let your partner get bored with you. Make an effort to make him scream louder! You can watch videos, or hire a professional to practice something you don’t know. It’s quite common for your fucked buddy not to know these positions. You can teach your fuck buddy a few moves, and learn from him new ones. Practical knowledge is a great way to learn.